Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)
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The Corfu e-book guide takes you on a journey to one of the most beautiful Greek islands. Our Corfu e-book contains guides and very clear pages with links to the biggest attractions and the most beautiful beaches on the island. Don't remember where a specific attraction was? Don't worry about anything - we will redirect you to the right page, to the right place. You don't have to check, you don't have to search - in our Corfu e-book you will be in the right place in just a few seconds. Just "click" and the active link will redirect you to the right place.
What makes our travel e-books stand out?
❊ Beautiful graphic design - an ideal gift idea for travel lovers
❊ 200 original photos
❊ Interactive table of contents
❊ Interactive links to hotels, restaurants, beaches and attractions on site
❊ Ready-made travel plan to help you plan your trip
❊ This book is ECO! We don't use paper!
❊ Possibility to read on a smartphone, tablet and computer
For better navigation both in the e-book and in Corfu, in each part we have listed chapters that thoroughly discuss even the furthest corners of the island:
❊ Part One - North Corfu:
Eastern Coast of Kassiopi
Western Coast of Sidari
❊ Part Two - Central Corfu:
Eastern Coast Kerkyra
West Coast Paleokastritsa
❊ Part Three - South Corfu
South of the Island
❊ Part Four - Guides
What guides can you find here?:
❊ About Corfu cuisine
❊ What to buy in Corfu?
❊ Cross-country - attractions of North Corfu
❊ Cross-country - attractions of Central Corfu
❊ Cross-country - attractions of South Corfu
❊ Cross-country - the most beautiful beaches
❊ What to take with you?
❊ And also a plan for your own trip, which you can print out
❊ And a list of necessary things that you absolutely must take with you
Now all that's left for you to do is pack your bags and set off on the journey of a lifetime ;).
Travels of Life. Corfu is another part of the author's series of interactive guides "Podróże Życia" - created by travelers and authors of the Follow My Flow Lifestyle blog - Anna Hołubińska and Renata Toboła.
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
![Journays of Life. Corfu (eBook)](
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